

为什么叫雪学院? 是因为天气的原因吗?

我们经常被问到这个问题! While we do enjoy beautiful, crisp winters here 在犹他州(以及春天、夏天和秋天),我们的名字和雪没有任何关系. 事实上,它与我们的起源有关. 让我们从头开始...

On November 5, 1888, forty years after the first settlers came to Ephraim and eight years before Utah was admitted to the Union, 雪的大学 began as the Sanpete Stake Academy founded by 的 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints. 十二年后 1900年,学校更名为雪学院,以纪念当时的美国总统 LDS Church, Lorenzo 雪, and his cousin Erastus 雪, who was instrumental in helping 定居在桑皮特山谷.

Over the next 100 years, we continued to grow and evolve. 1998年,雪学院合并 与位于里奇菲尔德的前塞维尔谷应用技术中心合作. 的 Richfield 校园 adds a strong 程序 of technical education offerings and a growing 学术课程的数量,以补充我们在以法莲校区的产品. 今天, 雪学院是 认可的州立大学 提供文科和技术教育课程,在线学位,短期 培训,各种副学士学位,甚至两个四年制学士学位.


的 全球参与中心 works collaboratively with faculty, st乌兰nt groups, and departments throughout 雪的大学 to provide and support meaningful global activities, 为网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行社区提供讨论、项目和机会. 在网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行, 国际学生喜欢我们的小班教学,一个美丽、安全的校园 优秀的教师.

来自突尼斯的学生扎伊德·德里迪解释说:“在斯诺,你不仅仅是一个数字. 你的教授 know you by name and are concerned about your success.”


探索我们的 交互式大学宣传册, review our 常见问题 below, email us at international@雪.edu,或使用我们的Live Chat to speak with our current international st乌兰nts.



Your American Higher Education experience can incl乌兰 Years 1 & 2 .雪学院 在犹他州,然后是第三年 & 在你选择的大学就读. 这两个都得到了 一个副学士学位和一个学士学位,使你能够获得两个学位 一个的价钱! 看到 这个页面 学习 more about the benefits community colleges offer, which makes a US education 方便和负担得起.

要了解更多关于我们的学术课程的信息,请访问我们的 学术课程页面.

如果你是学术班的学生,你需要向你的学术顾问注册. 如果你 被允许进入我们的 非母语英语课程计划,你将参加我们的英语分班考试,ESL教师将帮助你 注册课程.

你可以浏览我们的 Canvas登录指南.

当你准备好了, 到这里登录.

访问 http://雪BookStore.com to quickly find the textbooks and course materials you need to order for your specific 类*. 你可以拿你的现货书 送到校园商店取货,或直接寄给你. 就这么简单!

For customer service help with your textbook order, visit 雪BookStore.com,或致电+1 855-790-6380.

* Personalized course textbook and materials list will be available in your bookstore account within 24 hours of registering for 类.

的 全球参与中心 office does not offer tutoring or academic support, 但网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的几个系都有. 例如,我们的数学实验室,语言实验室, and Writing Lab give you daily access to professors and st乌兰nt-tutors, and we even 通过Tutor提供免费在线辅导.该网站24小时按需提供服务 一天. 了解更多关于 our Academic Support Services.

我们在斯诺提供超过90个项目,包括 商业音乐和软件工程两个学士学位.

如果你有兴趣在不同的领域获得学士学位,你可以 transfer to any university in the state of Utah. 除了州内大学, 雪的大学 has agreements with universities around the U.S. 给国际 st乌兰nts more options and facilitate the transfer process. 在这里了解更多关于你的转学选择.



You are not required to take both exams; however, st乌兰nts without an English Language proficiency test score will have to take our ESL placement test when they arrive and if your scores are not equivalent to an IELTS 6.0分或托福63分,那么你将大部分 可能需要先注册我们的 非母语英语课程计划 before you can take mainstream college 类. 请注意,如果你的母语 不是英语,你需要证明你的语言能力. 如果你坚持 a passport from an English-speaking country but were educated in a non-English speaking country, you will be required to submit an approved English exam or be tested by our 英语部门.

是的,我们接受多邻国. 的 minimum score is 100 (minimum 85 per section).

是的,你会被录用的 ESL课程的有条件录取 如果你的英语水平分数不够高,你可以申请网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行.

After you reach a certain level of English proficiency, you can join regular academic 类.

您可以通过我们的Unibuddy大使与国际学生聊天和见面 程序. To talk with one of our ambassadors, please visit the link to Unibuddy.

如果你 have been accepted to more than one institution (and hence, you have multiple i -20表格),并且您使用其他机构的SEVIS ID号支付费用, 但是如果你想上雪学院,你就不用再交学费了.

However, you do need to update your I-901 SEVIS form. 以下是你应该做的:

  • 登入www.fmjfee.然后点击检查I-901状态.
  • 输入您第一次支付费用时输入的信息. 这将 调出你目前的记录,与你想转出的学校相关.
  • 当它出现时,按照步骤将费用(您已经支付的费用)转移到 现在表示雪学院.
  • Keep all the Form I-20s you received from all of the schools for your records, but 当你去大使馆/领事馆和美国海关时.S. 入境口岸,确保你只显示 雪学院I-20.
  • To avoid any complications in the future, you should also contact the other schools you do not wish to attend and have them cancel your SEVIS record after you have been 获得了网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的F-1签证.


学生可以通过My . net在线支付.雪.Edu(我们的学生门户网站). 请参阅此处了解您的选择 to pay the full balance, or to sign up for a monthly payment plan.

学生可以通过My . net在线支付.雪.Edu(我们的学生门户网站). 请参阅我们的网页 学习 如何注册月供计划.

是的, we offer scholarships to our international st乌兰nts. 请参阅我们的 费用和奖学金页面 并使用我们的 国际学生奖学金申请.

如果你 are interested in applying for other scholarships as well, you can check out 中央雪学院 奖学金的页面.

  1. http://my.Snow.edu 并单击LOGIN
  2. 你会 then see a series of links at the top of your page. 点击“助学金”.
  3. 点击“奖励”链接.
  4. Click on the ‘Award for Aid Year’ link, and then choose the applicable academic year. Once you have done that, hit the submit button.
  5. 选择“Accept Award Offer”链接. 如果该选项卡没有显示为灰色,则可以 need to first accept the terms and conditions by clicking the ‘Terms and Conditions’ 选项卡.
  6. Finally, on the ‘Accept Award Offer’ page, you will see a listing of your scholarships 你可以接受也可以拒绝.
  7. 如果你 have questions, call us at 435-283-7150 or send an e-mail to scholarships@雪.edu.

如果你愿意捐献一个奖学金基金,让未来的国际 st乌兰nts can benefit from a 雪 education, you can use our 快速形成 捐款数额由你决定. Every little bit helps and even small donations of $5 can go a long way when everyone pitches in!


是的, airport pick-up service is available each semester. 了解更多关于 在犹他州的网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行附近旅行.

是的,参加国际学生迎新会是强制性的. 内容非常丰富 and a great way to meet people and make new friends! 方向通常是固定的 two days before 类 begin each term and you can 在这里查看确切的日期.

请跟 本指南 学习如何在My上更改地址.雪.Edu.

尽管我们很想提供帮助,但有必要澄清一下,我们不是律师 and therefore cannot provide immigration advising. 移民法是复杂的,而且 varies widely based on individual circumstances and jurisdictions. 为了准确 在移民事务方面提供可靠的指导,我们强烈建议您咨询a qualified immigration attorney or accredited representative who can offer personalized assistance tailored to your specific situation. 他们可以提供专业知识和 为有效应对移民法的复杂性提供必要的支持.

有时,我们会与提供免费移民研讨会的律师合作 对于学生来说,这可以帮助他们更好地理解法律或法规 这与他们有关.


  • F-1学生要求
  • 更改签证状态
  • 选择性实习训练(OPT)
  • 课程实践训练(CPT)
  • 恢复
  • 严重经济困难(SEH)
  • 阀杆选择
  • 毕业后转学到其他大学


雪学院住房和居住生活提供优质,经济实惠的住房 校园. 你可以 explore your housing options by visiting our 住房页面.

Applications for housing typically open 4-9 months before your academic term starts. 请填写 校内住宿申请 as early as possible for the best accommodation options.

All 雪的大学 st乌兰nts can receive mail at the St乌兰nt Mail Center on 校园 (not 在你的校内宿舍). 你可以 请求邮件槽 随时通过在线表格. 请参阅我们的 邮件服务常见问题 for more information about postal services on 校园.

的re's so many ways to stay active and make new friends, whether you’re participating in intramural or team sports with hundreds of other st乌兰nts, or joining one of over 50个俱乐部. 你可以 get involved in weekly 校园 activities, engage in leadership opportunities, 或者加入我们在犹他州国家公园的冒险之旅. 了解更多关于网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的学生生活.

学生服务: Healthcare, Careers, Finances

是的. 的 cost of medical services in the United States can be quite expensive, especially 在处理重大问题或紧急情况时. 因此,所有国际学生 参加雪学院的学生都需要购买健康保险 LewerMark, our current health insurance partner. 您将自动注册 为你注册课程后的保险. 有关我们提供的政策详情,请 see our dedicated page on health care and insurance.


不,我们不需要免疫记录. 但是,你需要出示证明 你必须接种卡介苗,否则你到达时必须做肺结核检查.

To access your Health Insurance Card, please login via Lewermark网站.


  • 您需要创建一个登录. 请 enter your Date of Birth (DOB), as well as 你的獾身份证号码.


  • 如果您已经创建了登录,则需要输入您的Badger ID号码.
  • 然后输入你的密码. If this is your first time logging in, your password will be your DOB (Month Day Year), but you will be able to change it.

When entering your Date of Birth, YOU MUST INCLUDE AN EXTRA 0 for single digits (For example: Enter the Month Day Year for March 5, 2004 as 03052004).

如果你 are not enrolled in the system, or are not able to access your account, please 请联系全球参与中心 这样我们就能在整个过程中帮助你.

是的,根据美国的说法.S. law, international st乌兰nts can work on-校园 up to 20 hours 学期期间每周上课,夏季每周上课40小时. 你会 在美国工作需要一个社会安全号码.S. 请参阅下面的相关FAQ了解更多信息 如何获取的信息. 浏览更多我们的网站 learn more about on- and off-校园 job opportunities.

拥有一个U.S. 银行账户可以帮助当地支付更容易,比如住房、食品、 购物、观光或学费. 你可以 contact a local repu选项卡le bank upon arrival in Utah, or you can set up an account with an international financial services company 比如Wise.com或Revolut.com.

当你开一家美国银行时.S. 银行账户, you will need to provide various documents such as your passport, st乌兰nt visa, an I-94 form or an I-20 form. 另外,你可以 need to provide proof of residency such as your housing or apartment rental agreement 还有最近的水电费账单.

A 社会安全号码 (SSN) is crucial for identity verification, financial transactions, 就业、税收和医疗保健. It must be kept safe to prevent identity theft, financial loss, and unauthorized access 个人信息. 你不应该通过电话或电子邮件分享. 保护你的社会安全号码确保安全 in various aspects of life and maintains your eligibility for benefits and services.

你的SSN会伴随你一生. 如果你离开美国.S. 然后回来, 你的SSN永远不会变.

社会安全号码s are generally assigned to people who are authorized to work 以便向政府报告你的收入和工资. 更多详情可在此找到: http://www.ssa.gov/酒吧/ en - 05 - 10181.pdf.

如果你 have a job offer (on-校园 or off-校园), you will need to apply in person at the closest Social Security office located in Provo, Utah. 请 请联系全球参与中心 to find out when the next Social Security trip will take place.

When you apply, you will need to bring the following documents:

  • 护照;
  • I-20 Form - 请 make sure your personal information on your passport is the SAME 作为你I-20上的信息;
  • I-94:打印这个 http://i94.cbp.dhs.gov/ I94 / # / home;
  • Letter from Employer on letterhead, signed by your boss;
  • 全球参与中心的来信;
  • 出生证明副本;
  • 申请(来自全球参与和社会保障中心办公室).

是的. 在美国上学的国际学生 必须提交申请 国税局 8843. Even if you don't have to pay taxes, you still need to file a form. 表格和纳税申报表通常必须在每年4月15日之前提交.

雪的大学 cannot provide you specific tax advice so you should carefully consider your own situation and determine what tax form to file.

美国税务机构美国国税局(IRS)提供 面向外国学生和学者的信息 每年出版一本叫做 第519版,美国.S. 外国人税务指南.

对于国际学生来说,有各种各样的情况可以开始 需要向美国国税局提交的文件,例如:

  • 如果是国际学生或学者 没有收到任何收入,他们需要提交表格 8843.
  • 如果是国际学生或学者 有收入吗? in the last calendar year, then they would need to file Form 8843 最有可能是1040NR-EZ表格.
  • 家属 (包括配偶和所有年龄的子女)也需要提交表格 8843 if they were in the US during the previous calendar year.
  • Every individual, regardless of whether they are one family, will need to file their 自己的形式 8843 and send it to the appropriate address incl乌兰d on the tax form or tax form instructions in 一个单独的信封.

Sprintax is an online company that can help you file your taxes for a fee. 我们已经提到 学生向他们咨询多年,为他们提供了非常全面的服务 直观的软件和有用的说明. 你可以参考 Sprintax指令文件 for more information and help, in addition to the videos.

InternationalSt乌兰nt.com also has a helpful site which you can refer to for tax questions.

对于国际学生来说,获得犹他州驾照是可能的. 你会 need to present documentation proving your identification, legal status in the country, 犹他州居住证明,如果适用的话,你的社会安全号码(SSN). 此外, you must pass the Utah state driving and written examinations.

如果你 have a license in your home country, you will need to 取一个 written test and 参加实际驾驶考试并支付费用. 如果你在你的国家没有驾照, 在你参加笔试和考试之前,你需要参加驾驶执照课程 驾驶考试.

To help people pass the Utah permit test, you can also 取一个 免费许可证实践测验 designed by the Utah Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

欲了解更多信息,请参阅驾驶执照部门网站 http://dld.utah.gov/. You must have an appointment in order to apply for a license. 点击这里 安排你的预约. 你也可以填写你的 在此网上申请.

你会 need to bring the following information to the DMV when you go to your appointment:

  • 有效的 外国司机的 license from another country (if you have one);
  • 完成犹他州驾驶教育课程的证书(如果你没有驾照) 目前持有外国驾照);
  • 你的车管所申请表;
  • 有效护照和学生签证;
  • 表格I-94 -这些可以打印 I-94网站上的信息;
  • 你的I-20表格原件;
  • 社会安全号码 (SSN) or Form SSA-L676: “Refusal to Process SSN Application”. 这将 require you to apply for a 社会安全号码. 查看更多信息 见下文和我们的相关常见问题解答.
  • Proof of Utah Residency (two of the following):
    • 银行对账单;
    • 租赁合同;
    • 主要信用卡账单;
    • 学校成绩单;
    • Utility Bill (cell phone bills are not accepted);
    • 法庭文件.


如果你需要一个“社会安全号码拒绝”信来申请犹他州 driver license, please bring the following items to the 全球参与中心 申请帮助:

  • 护照;
  • I-20 - 请 make sure your personal information on your passport is the  SAME as I-20上的信息;
  • I-94:从: http://i94.cbp.dhs.gov/ I94 / # / home ;
  • Letter from the 全球参与中心 office;
  • Application (from CGE or Social Security office).
For more information please contact Nobue Swenson: 乌兰.wons@nosnews.eubon.