
烟草 & 尼古丁


你知道吗?? 你知道吗??

烟草 use is the leading cause of preventable illness and death in the US. (疾病预防控制中心,2020)

7% of Snow students use nicotine products currently

在这7%中, 59% 报告使用电子烟/电子烟产品.

一半 of the users reported wanting to quit.

最低年龄 购买烟草制品有 增加到21在全国范围内,.
This went into full effect in Utah as of July 1, 2020. (犹他州卫生部,2021年)

Source: On Campus 烟草 Survey - 2020

烟草如何 & 尼古丁对身体的影响? 烟草如何 & 尼古丁对身体的影响?

烟草 and other nicotine products impact nearly every organ in your body, harming both your physical and mental health.

  • 烟草 use has been linked to numerous forms of 癌症, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, emphysema, bronchitis, and obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  • Among college students, nicotine use has been linked to poor academic performance, high-risk drinking behavior, increased drug use, and high-risk sexual behavior.
  • In teens and young adults, nicotine literally changes the way the brain develops, making it harder to focus, lowering impulse control, and increased the risk for depression, 焦虑和情绪障碍.

尼古丁 reaches the brain within 10 seconds, producing a pleasurable, relaxed feeling. 尼古丁 works similarly to cocaine or heroin by activating the portions of the brain that control the feelings of pleasure, including the release of dopamine. 虽然尼古丁 can make a person feel good, effect is short-lived and leaves the user craving 更多的. This can lead to addiction within days of first use! 事实上,研究表明 that nicotine is as addictive as heroin.

烟草 products contain thousands of chemicals, including 70+ that are known to cause 癌症. 尼古丁 in and of itself is a carcinogen - products labeled or marketed as containing only tobacco or nicotine are not safe alternatives to “Big 烟草.”

无烟烟草也很危险. Whether in dip, snuff, chew, or pod form, smokeless tobacco actually contains 更多的 nicotine than cigarettes and can cause 癌症 of the lips, gums, tongue, cheeks, pharynx, stomach, and pancreas. 它也会导致心脏病 disease, gum recession, and leukoplakia, or
pre-癌症ous white patches in the mouth.

Plain and simple – there is no “safe” form of tobacco.

电子烟怎么样?? 电子烟怎么样??

Vaping has really taken off in the last decade! It smells better, tastes better, and 能比吸烟更分散吗. It’s also perceived as safer than traditional tobacco products, or as a cessation (quitting) tool. 但要小心,这是个陷阱!

Candy-like smells and flavors increase use – and addiction rates – among teens and young adults and due to lack of consistent regulations, it’s hard to know exactly vape“果汁”里有什么.”

  • Lab testing from the Utah Department of Health has found that 99% of vape juice contains nicotine – even those labeled as “nicotine-free!”
  • Vape juice contains heavy metals and other toxic chemicals, including a chemical called diacetyl which causes a type of serious, irreversible 肺 disease called “popcorn 肺.”
  • Exhaled vapor is not just water - it contains the same chemicals as the liquid, exposing 你身边的人也面临着同样的风险.
  • Studies also show that vaping does not help people quit and may make it harder. 的 good news is, if you’re ready to quit there are better options – and we can help!

你在考虑辞职吗? 你在考虑辞职吗?

大多数 people who smoke want to quit – and the benefits to your body (and your bank 账户!)几乎是即时的. As soon as you stop, your body begins to heal.

Quitting nicotine is hard, and it can be discouraging if you’ve already tried. 大多数 users don’t quit on the first try and it can take several attempts to kick the habit 为好. Don’t think of it as “failure” - each time you try, you learn something that will make the next attempt easier – and that’s valuable knowledge that gets you 离戒烟又近了一步!

你准备好戒烟了吗? 你准备好戒烟了吗?

你不需要一个人去做. Professional support can make it easier on you and increase your chances of a successful quit attempt. 查看下面的资源: 然后决定什么最适合你!


Book a 咨询 and 健康 Consultation with Rachelle in the Student 健康 Office at 435-283-7136 or come by the office located in the east portable behind the Business Building on 151 S Main in Ephraim. 

If you prefer something online, by phone or text…

  • 犹他州戒烟热线
    • 1 - 800 -现在戒烟
    • Information and online coaching available
  • 戒烟的方法
    • 的 Utah Department of Health offers free and confidential resources through their 戒烟的方法 程序
    • Professional quit coaches are available 24/7, by phone or online
    • Both options include up to 12 weeks of FREE nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) for 这18 +
    • If you prefer not to work with a quit coach,ir custom quit plan 程序 offers a free 2-week NRT starter kit, educational materials, and support through text messaging 和电子邮件.
    • www.waytoquit.org
  • BecomeAnEx
  • 这是辞职
    • 输入DITCHVAPE到88709
  • 无烟
    • 无烟.政府
    • quitSTART应用
    • Has tools catered to different ages, genders, and even specialized pages for vaping
  • 别忘了和你的医生谈谈。

欲了解更多信息,请查看... 欲了解更多信息,请查看...电子烟怎么样??